Greener Village Community Food Centre

Food Bank Distribution. Community Gardens. Teaching Kitchen. Clothing Boutique

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It Takes a Village…

So today started out kind of cloudy and cool; which isn’t bad for working outside.

Our Church work group came back after getting rained out yesterday, ready to go and tackle even more projects today. And the difference between how the Native Scrubs and Trees garden looks now compared to this morning, is AMAZING, to say the very least. Unfortunately, I don’t have before and after pictures to share because they did it so quickly. Aside from the native edible forest, they also began working in Greenhouse #2.

Just before lunch, the sun started to come out. We also got another wonderful surprise from Currie’s Greenhouse.

Jim came up to the office and said there was a plant delivery and we thought it was an order we had placed for more Native plants, so Sabrina went out to help them. When I came out I was quite surprised to find them unloading lettuces and tomatoes! IMG_0757

I hurried  back inside to let Edee, our administrative assistant, know that it wasn’t our delivery, but a private donation and asked her down to meet the gentlemen and get his contact info.

After lunch Sabrina and I went out to take an inventory of what had been donated. We over 400 new plants! Lettuces, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, eggplants, peppers, cabbages, pumpkins, squash, Swiss chard, beets, cauliflower, cucumbers; and a few different varieties of most of those.

Now we need to get the rest of the greenhouse beds and the second greenhouse ready even more quickly. We will probably make these available to the Marysville garden and our clients, since we can’t use them all ourselves.

The last two day we were open for food distribution, we set out tomato plants and encourage people to take some and  start their own garden or help them add to an existing they may have.

The tomato plants seemed to go over really well with everyone and we had a few really touching comments that have made, I know me personally, really believe that this community garden will be well received by our client and makes me want to work that much harder to help people start gardening!

Since I grew up with gardens, I can’t imagine my life without one. They may be a lot of hard work and a challenge  to work with, but there’s nothing quite like the excitement of having your seeds turn into plants and grow big  or having the independence to say ‘oh let’s have a salad tonight’ and go pick it from your backyard.

Now it’s the end of the day and it has warmed up quite nicely. Vadini is out working in her beds and Edee is transplanting some of the Currie’s eggplants into her Square foot gardening bed and she’s teaching Sabrina a little about the garden too.

Aside from writing this, I am daydreaming of /planning out what could be done with our new seedlings and where they could go/grow.

We also got another load of wood chips! We’ve been on the search for the last few days so that our volunteering Church group that’s here this week can finish a few detailing projects for us.

I took some more pictures that I’ll put up in a separate post to show you all how everything is looking.

Enjoy the sun!

-Briana 🙂